Tender Rebel by Johanna Lindsey (Malory-Anderson Family #2)

I have not been this Malory series for such a long time, and now, when I read another, feels like I should open the other again.

After I read this from the first book, I found that Johanna Lindsey has some uniqueness in her stories. That is the way she never forgot to make us open another book from the same series. She always makes us glance at the book before or afterwards. JL has always made me curious about the stories of other characters, though in this case I've read the other three books in this Malory series. When I read the first book, I felt compelled to read the story of James and Anthony. When I read The Present, I feel obliged to know the story between Warren and Amy roomates is unique. When I read the fourth book, I was intrigued by Jeremy's story that I had never read.
Well, when I read this second book, Tender Rebel, suddenly I wanna read the first or the afterwards book I have ever read before.

Indeed, when reading the Present, I do not really follow Anthony and Roslynn part though interested, but I was not serious enough, including the story of James and Gregorina. And now I want to read The Present again. And when I read the Tender Rebel, again I want to read Love Only Once that tells the emergence of James and Jeremy for the first time. This book also made me want to re-read Gentle Rogue where I forget the plot and could not write the review. Blaah.

Funnily enough, I found a lot of scenes that are also contained in the novel Gentle Rogue, such as overlapping, although in this novel the story of James and Gregorina stopped when James will be back sailing. Still, I wanted to open the third book, because when I read Gentle Rogue I did not observe carefully if the story of Anthony and Roslynn being cold war come discussed. Looks like the second book should not be separated from the third book, because I felt reading the story of four viewpoints. There again, that at the present there is a dialogue in which Regina says that she loves being a matchmaker and I realized that it was started in this Tender Rebel book. Geez, I think The Present indeed need to be read again.

Blimey, too long intermezzo.
Honestly, there isn’t much I want review this novel, except the desire to shout at Roslynn foolishness. She is really stupid I think. Just because she made a silly deal then it became the only barrier to the story and the main conflict which is to me it’s not important at all. It sucks, Roslynn really the kind of woman who can not learn from mistakes. She was kept making stupid fucking deal, and when she fell into the hole she dug herself, I felt between pity and very happy.

She was beautiful, if you follow the description contained in this novel, she pretty incredible that could make anyone faint, and also incredibly rich. Luckily she was stupid, and it became the only weakness of her and the only one my annoyance when reading this novel. Fair enough, because if she was too perfect, the taste of this novel will be bland. Her pride and stubbornness makes me want to grab her hair.

Honestly, at first I was a bit bored with Roslynn character.
Fortunately, the story of Tony and his family always successfully cheer me up and took me to continue reading. Only when a conflict about Gordie appointed, the story becomes more interesting. And more interesting when Anthony's character is able to compensate Roslynn stubbornness so I'm not too upset at Ros. Well finally, I could see when Ros aware of how stupid she was on the whole time.

Overall, this novel can still be enjoyed, because of the existence of Malory family itself became my target. Including a cute Jeremy and James were first make you upset because his immoral hobby with women who later make him entangled with a girl with a pair of knee-length on the next novel. ha ha ha

Indonesian Review:

Udah lama nggak baca seri malory ini, ketika aku tiba-tiba membaca seri keduanya setelah sekian lama, aku merasa harus membuka seri lainnya.

Dari sejak pertama aku membaca buku pertama seri malory ini, ada satu hal keunikan johanna lindsey pada novel-novelnya. Ia tidak pernah membiarkan kita untuk tidak melirik novel sebelumnya atau setelahnya, karena di setiap novel yang aku baca, aku merasa ingin tahu kisah yang lainnya, sekalipun dalam kasus ini aku sudah membaca ketiga seri lainnya.

Ketika aku membaca seri pertamanya, aku merasa seperti aku harus tahu kisah James dan Anthony. Ketika aku membaca The Present, aku seperti wajib mengetahui kisah Warren dan Amy yang cukup unik. Ketika membaca seri keempat, rasanya aku harus tahu kisah jeremy yang belum pernah kubaca.

Nah, waktu aku baca seri kedua ini, Tender Rebel, tiba-tiba aku merasa seperti harus membaca lagi seri sebelum atau sesudahnya yang sudah duluan aku baca.

Ketika aku membaca The Present, aku nggak terlalu mengikuti kisah Anthony dan Roslynn meskipun tertarik, tapi nggak terlalu serius. Termasuk juga kisah James dan Gregoriana, tapi sekarang kok rasanya pingin baca The Present lagi. Dan Aaaaa ketika baca Tender Rebel, aku ngerasa pingin baca lagi seri pertamanya yang bagian munculnya james dan jeremy. Trus juga gara-gara seri ini, aku jadi ngerasa harus baca ulang seri ketiganya, Gentle Rogue yang nggak sempat aku review karena lupa alurnya gimana. Hewwww...

Trus lucunya juga di novel ini, aku nemuin adegan-adegan yang nantinya juga dimasukkan di Gentle Rogue, jadi kayak sengaja dibikin overlapping, meskipun di seri ini kisah James dan Gregoriana berhenti ketika ia kemudian kembali berlayar.

Aaaa tapi tetep aja, aku jadi pingin buka lagi seri ketiganya, soalnya kan pas baca Gentle Rogue aku nggak terlalu ngamatin secara jeli bahwa kisah anthony dan roslynn yang lagi perang dingin ikut dibahas. Dan rasanya emang seri kedua nggak boleh lepas dari seri ketiga, soalnya biar kayak lihat cerita ini dari 4 sudut pandang gitu. hahahaha. Trus adaa lagi, di The Present kan ada tuh dialog si Regina yang bilang kalo dia itu suka nyomblangin. Aku baru sadar kalo itu terjadi ketika membaca Tender Rebel ini. Waaaak, kayaknya The Present musti dibaca lagi deh. Fyuuh~ ya kali ni novel jadi kayak gak bisa dipisah gini ya bacanya.

Buset, kelamaan intermesonya.
Jujur aja, Tender Rebel nggak terlalu banyak yang mau aku review, kecuali keinginan untuk berteriak bahwa Roslynn ini benar-benar gadis bodoh. Bodoooh banget. Nggak jelas amat, gara-gara kesepakatan konyol yang dia buat tiba-tiba menjadi satu-satunya penghalang cerita dan konflik utama yang bagiku justru nggak penting, banget.

Gila aja si Roslynn ini kali tipe cewek yang nggak bisa belajar dari kesalahan. Udah tau dia udah bikin kesepakatan konyol beberapa kali, masiiih aja dia bikin lagi dan lagi. Rasanya antara kasian dan pingin bilang 'sukuriiin' waktu dia malah jatuh ke lubang yang di galinya sendiri.

Cantik siiih, dan kalo ngikutin diskripsi di novel ini dia memang luar biasa cantik yang bisa bikin siapapun pingsan sekali ngelihat dia, dan dia juga luar biasa kayak. Untung aja dia bodoh, yang akhirnya jadi satu satunya kelemahannya dan satu-satunya kejengkelan utamaku ketika aku baca. Kan ya kalo sempurna banget juga kayaknya cerita novel ini bakal hambar. Harga diri dan kekeras kepalaannya juga bikin pingin aku jambak aja deh rambutnya. Hmm.

Untung aja Tony dan keluarganya selalu berhasil menghiburku dan membawaku untuk terus melanjutkan membacanya.

Jujur, awal awal baca agak boring soalnya liat karakter Roslynn ini. Baru deh ketika konflik tentang Gordie diangkat ceritanya agak lebih menarik. Dan semakin menarik ketika karakter Anthony mampu mengimbangi kekeraskepalaan Roslynn sehingga aku juga nggak sebel-sebel amat sama Ros akhirnya. Soalnya, setidaknya aku bisa liat waktu akhirnya Ros sadar tentang kebodohannya yang amat sangat bodoh itu. Duuuh.

Overall novel ini masih enak diikutin, karena tentu saja keberadaan keluarga Malory itu sendiri yang jadi incaranku. Termasuk Jeremy yang lucu dan James yang awalnya bikin kesel karena hobinya dengan wanita-wanita itu yang nantinya justru bikin dia terjerat sama cewek celana selutut di novel selanjutnya hahahaha.

3 of 5 starts

Alina Za


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