
Showing posts from March, 2015

Review: Lover Eternal

Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward My rating: 5 of 5 stars Duuuuh suka bangettt sama novel ini. Nggak bisa deh nurunin bintang dari bintang 5. Novel ini terhitung lengkap, komplit menurutku. Hubungan sebab akibat di dalam novel ini dijelaskan secara rinci dan nggak bisa berhenti senyum lihat adegan Rhage sama Mary. Rhage yang terkenal gonta-ganti wanita, yang katanya seminggu bisa pake 8 wanita berbeda, terikat pada wanita yang sama sekali tidak cantik dan sedang menderita sakit yang parah. Kalo bayangin gimana seorang Rhage yang jadi incaran hampir semua wanita tertarik pada Mary yang dengan penggambarannya sepertinya sama sekali bukan menjadi perhatian laki-laki manapun, aaaaaa nggak berhenti senyum deh pokoknya.

A Loving Scoundrel (Malory-Anderson Family #7)

Because I read this series when Jeremy was 15 years old, so when I saw him at the age of 25 years, it feels like I've been following the story of Malory for 10 years. There are many reunions Malory - Anderson which again makes me want to read their novels. The figures who have married also feels more real as a happily married couple, but every couple always has a story full of conflict. Seeing the couple's partner along made me forget that in every story they have the hassle of the same complex as the novel I'm reading right now. It feels a bit strange but fun to see Jeremy finally decided to get married. Funny anyway, he is the most character who can not commit and finally declare himself surrendered to that image in the aisle. For the story, to be honest there are some emotions that did not feel up to the top and stopped. There are scenes that are too fast when the story could have been served with passionate emotion. But overall, the story is still worth to ...

Review: Dirty Little Secret by Aliazalea

Dirty Little Secret by AliaZalea My rating: 4 of 5 stars Finally habis juga semua bukunya Alia Zalea. jujur aja sebenernya ini novel udah aku incer lama banget tapi motif untuk beli gak sepadan sampa hal lainnya jadinya sih uangnya selalu dialokasikan untuk hal lain. Tapi kemarin tiba tiba tiba nemu di rental ya langsung aku sabet si ya.. Sumpah demi apa ternyata udah lama banget aku baca novelnya aliazalea. Overall masih suka sih dan aku suka salut sama novelis indonesia, setidaknya mereka selalu berhasil menciptakan alur yang unik kalo pinter milih novelnya. Tapi selama ini penuli favoritku memang selalu menghadirkam cerita yang tidak too much cheesy.