The Redemption Series 3- Book Bundle: Isn't She Lovely, Broken, Crushed by Lauren Layne My rating: 4 of 5 stars So, i read all the books in this series, and i enjoyed follow every story for each main characters. My my, they so lovely. If i make a rank, i think i will put Ethan story on the first place, follow by Michael, then Olivia. The three of them have a big problem as best friend forever, some of them betraying and less understanding each other. They finally separate and find their own way of redemption, even i know that the redemption only on Olivia and Michael side, that's way Ethan put on the prequel book. Anyway, I like the story enough to follow each of book. I though each character here was worth to follow, because they had the same and different heartbreaking and needed to move on. The way they moved was different for each character, but they had the same goal. Well, what i loved the most also maybe i could find the story of ...