
Review: Sejenak Hening

Sejenak Hening by Adjie Silarus My rating: 5 of 5 stars Pada akhirnya, dibandingkan buku-buku lain yang harusnya ada di reading list saat ini, buku ini justru berhasil kuhabiskan duluan bahkan sebelum novelku yang nggak kelar-kelar itu. Yah, gimana ya.. karena lagi suka banget mantengin Levi gara-gara nonton attack on titan, jadi utk hiburan saat ini harus milih: baca atau nonton. Hanya saja kalau buku seperti ini emang udah diwajibkan dibaca, jadi ini satu-satunya buku yang belakangan ini kubaca setiap hari. Sejenak Hening ini adalah sebuah buku yang kudapati menggunakan teknik LOA yang sama seperti buku-buku pengembangan diri lain yang sebelumnya aku baca. Bedanya, Adjie mendiskripsikan segalanya menjadi jauh lebih ringan daripada aku saat membaca bukunya Erbe Sentanu atau Rhonda Byrne. Meskipun buku mereka masih favoritku sih secara pribadi. Ini buku adalah pemberian temanku dan I'm so happy, namanya Ana dia kasih buku ini ke aku, ada 2 sih bu...

Review: Hidup Sederhana

Hidup Sederhana by Desi Anwar My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews

Review: The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life by Robin S. Sharma My rating: 5 of 5 stars short review dulu ya, besok aku bikin panjangannya karena jujur banyak sih yang mau aku bilang tentang buku ini, tapi secara singkat, buku ini adalah buku yang direkomendasikan dan aku udah ngebet dari dulu pingin baca. Waktu udah kesampaian beli aku gak langsung baca, karena sadar kok kemasannya kayak novel. Secara novel, buku ini nggak cocok sih jadi novel. Aneh aja gitu. Entah apakah karena terjemahannya atau gimana, tapi ketika masuk ke cerita fiksinya rasanya aku agak cringe gitu. Aneh aja, tokohnya jatuh cinta tapi masa masih Saya dan Anda cara nyapanya, kan aneeeh buat aku. Tapi disisi lain, disisi personal developmentnya, buku ini parah sih, bagus banget. Solutif abis, dari mulai tentang morning routine, terus tujuan-tujuan setiap agenda, semuanya lengkap. Oke, besok aku bahas lagi ya. Lanjut (8 Jun 2020) Aku dulu nggak pernah menobatkan diriku sebag...

Review: Isn't She Lovely

Isn't She Lovely by Lauren Layne My rating: 4 of 5 stars short review: the last story i read from this series. I like Ethan, and i like Steph for all her Gothic style. The first time i read Broken, i thought i would not really interest to follow Ethan and i also thought that Ethan would not become hero on the different story.

Review: The Redemption Series 3-Book Bundle: Isn't She Lovely, Broken, Crushed

The Redemption Series 3- Book Bundle: Isn't She Lovely, Broken, Crushed   by Lauren Layne My rating: 4 of 5 stars So, i read all the books in this series, and i enjoyed follow every story for each main characters. My my, they so lovely. If i make a rank, i think i will put Ethan story on the first place, follow by Michael, then Olivia. The three of them have a big problem as best friend forever, some of them betraying and less understanding each other. They finally separate and find their own way of redemption, even i know that the redemption only on Olivia and Michael side, that's way Ethan put on the prequel book. Anyway, I like the story enough to follow each of book. I though each character here was worth to follow, because they had the same and different heartbreaking and needed to move on. The way they moved was different for each character, but they had the same goal. Well, what i loved the most also maybe i could find the story of ...

Review: Beautiful Redemption

Beautiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire My rating: 5 of 5 stars I always love the story about second best as an heroin, because there she will struggle to make the hero make her as the first. Finish the book i love so much is not easy, because it means that i finish to read the story of couple i love the most. It also means that i still need more. And i need more conflicts of Liis and Thomas. I feeling a little sad right now, because i can't see their moment again, and i suddenly miss them. I usually read the book before i sleep at night. But this, i always tried to find a time to read this story. Only because i wanted to know every Liis's decisions when it was about Thomas. So, we knew Thomas since the previous book. About how heartbroken he was. Honestly, i read Beautiful Oblivion only wanted to know Thomas deeper. It was success to make me feeling so much heartbroken when he still had the feeling so deep toward his ex when there was ...

Review: Beautiful Oblivion

Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire My rating: 3 of 5 stars well, i'm not sure how to review this book. I knew that I would actually loved Trenton. But, i read endlessly beautiful first and knew what his story about. I had expected about what i would find when reading this book, and i knew that in a big part, i would not like it. That's right. Even if the story was cute enough, even if Trenton was charming as well, and this was a good book from the start, but i never could accept story about cheating. Okay, Cami was not cheating, she just had a friend that really close with her. It just hard to like the heroin... maybe because T.J was a good, or really good boyfriend. There was nothing wrong with him, but their relationship just could not work out. Cami was the one who felt different, especially after Trenton chase her. Then, she just... tried to pretend that Trenton only a friend when her heart saying the opposite. And all about the lying. Well, maybe ev...