
Showing posts from January, 2017

Review: Oppa & I Series

Oppa & I Series by Orizuka My rating: 4 of 5 stars Hari ini aku akan memulai review untuk #OppaSeries dimana buku ini merupakan edisi spesial 5 tahun dari Oppa & I. Huaaaaa ternyata udah 5 tahun guyss! Pantesan pas baca lagi kok kayak baca buku baru fufu ternyata udah lupa-lupa sama isinya.. duuh jadi kangen lagi kan sama tokoh2 favoritku disini hehehehe... . . Rasa senang akan buku ini trnyata langsung muncul ketika aku membuka halaman2 awal. Why? Pertama, jelas bagaimana cerita ini dibawakan di awal. Situasi di awal cerita langsung muncul sebagai misteri yg membuat penasaran: kenapa si tokoh merasa sperti ini? Apa yangg trjadi? Ada masalah apa? Yg jelas dengan begitu mau tidak mau kita akan lanjut baca hingga ketemu jawabannya. Kedua, aku suka banget sama bau dari buku ini (nggak nyambung ya) tapi aku suka banget, rasanya fresh jadi tambah semangat buat baca. Ketiga, buku ini menggunakan font yang sangat enak untuk dibaca: jelas, ringan, dan nggak ...

Book and I in 2016 - this beginning of 2017

Wow~ akhirnya aku menulis disini - bukan dalam sebuah review - disela-sela kesibukan yang saat ini lagi nggak sibuk jadi aku mau menyapa dulu. Blog ini akhirnya official jadi memberi BBI . Alhamdulillah. Setelah pertimbangan sekian lama untuk memisahkan isi blog ini dari blog utama (, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk menyendirikan review blog ini dengan review lainnya. Dan well, akhirnya blog ini lolos deh dan bisa gabung BBI. Berikutnya!  Hmm... blog ini masih baru sih ya, masih baru diisi untuk review buku maksudnya. Sejujurnya aku belum beres-beres, padahal di kepala pingin melakukan banyak hal untuk blog ini, secara nih blog masih sepi banget nggak tau ada yang mampir atau enggak kesini haha (kesian amat ya). Mungkin setelah ini aku akan mencoba merapihkan lagi, biar eye-catching gitu, soalnya kalau dibilang yaaa.. blog ini masih belum apa-apa dibanding blog temen-temen BBI yang lain, atau yang aku list di sidebar blog in...

Review: The Redemption of Callie & Kayden

The Redemption of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book is good. Hey, i even cried a lot when i read it. But why 3 stars? Maybe bcause i don't really satisfied how the story turn from quite light in the first book and become so heavy in the 2nd book. I cannot bear the heavy issues this book bring. Maybe it's bcause me. Not bcause the story. Blame my recent mood anyway. The story is really good enough and omg, the part i cried a lot, bawling like a baby was when finally Callie told her family about her tragedy. How her family respond to her story and after these a long time passed, hhhh, maybe bcause i didnt know what Callie's mother thought at that time except that it really something she would never get through. Knew her little daughter broke from still a little girl and, bcause she knew nothing at that time, and the story like a shocking bomb for her. Maybe for a mother it was really something that broke her....

Review: Frigid

Frigid by J. Lynn My rating: 5 of 5 stars Never intended to read this book but finally i pick this one even before I put it in my TBR list. And again, i'm being different with other people bcause i want to give this book full stars. I just thinking again, and finally I give this book 4 stars. I looove the story from the beginning, but just a little thing, really a little thing in about 70% of book that i'm not really agree. Their misunderstanding. It's okay at the start, because they still couldn't read each other feeling clearly. But, at that moment, i mean in about 70% of the story, they should be more understand to each other. How Kayler behavior to Syd, and how different he with Syd compared to another woman. Okay, maybe Syd was still soo trapped in her thought of 'unrequited love' to Kayler that was she still couldn't be more confident, buttt, the way Syd solved the problem was quite cliche, like, she didn't want to hea...

Review: Archer's Voice

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan My rating: 5 of 5 stars I actually intended to finish this book right before New Year, but it failed. I just finished it last night anyway. ------------------------------- So, here my review for the first book I read in 2017. I was so so sooo lucky!! How come I found this book? What did I consider to take this book from my tbr instead another book? No idea. I actually was just pure lucky. Because whaatt? This book is incredibly good XD I finally find another story with good twisted, good conflict, good character, and good plot of course. And it is a perfect packaging! When I read this book, a little while I remembered CoHo's book titled "Maybe Someday", about a man who lost his voice, and a woman who fall in love with this kind of guy. Of course it's different, I just thought about it because it brings the same conflict anyway.