
Showing posts from May, 2016

Review: Be with Me

Be with Me by J. Lynn My rating: 0 of 5 stars J. Lynn. Aku nggak tau ini authornya punya dua nama atau gimana ya, profilnya ada dua ya di Goodreads? *abaikan* Waaaaakkk suka banget ini suka bangeeettt… Ternyata emang udah terlanjur suka banget sama bukunya trus lanjut masih aja bagus. Dua buku untuk seri ini aku belum nyesel sih bacanya, dan bintangnya masih penuh. Disini cerita tentang adiknya Cam, Teresa, yang dia jatuh apa ya pokoknya dia sekarang udah nggak bisa nari lagi, kasiannn.. padahal di buku pertama dia kayak yang keliling dunia gitu eh di buku ini dia akhirnya mau nggak mau masuk sekolah juga deh. Trus ada Jase, dia juga muncul di buku pertama sebagai sahabat dekat Cam. Di buku pertama aku kira dia ini pendiam, dingin, begitulah. Ternyata sebenernya Jase ini ramah cuma dia punya masa lalu yang tragis dan kelam, dan itu emang kasian banget. Aaaakk ternyata-ternyata dia tuh…. *nggak spoiler deh*.

Review: Lola and the Boy Next Door

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins My rating: 4 of 5 stars bagusss bagus, cm masih lebih suka yang pertama. karena ceritanya kali yaa.. maksudku karena aku tipe yang lebih suka lihat heroinnya yg sakit hati dan disini heroinnya yg ngefriendzone si hero jadi kadang gak bisa ikut ngerasain sedihnya di hero. anyway, review lengkap menyusul Lanjut---- Oke, jadi di Lola and the Boy Next Door, sesuai dengan judulnya lebih bercerita tentang tetangga rumah sebelah yang itu adalah hmm... sahabat dan teman sepermainan Lola. Sejujurnya aku suka sama chemistry mereka berdua, aku paling suka waktu Lola tiba-tiba ada di dormnya si Cricket sok-sok cari alasan padahal dia kangen. Ya begitulah, karena masa lalunya yang nggak begitu bagus sama dua bersaudara Bell, Lola selalu berusaha mengusir perasaannya yang menyukai Cricket dan terus memaksa dirinya untuk lebih fokus kepada pacarnya. Aku suka sama cara pandang Cricket yang jujur kepada Lola, dan ...

Review: Never Never: Part Three (Colleen Hoover)

Never Never: Part Three by Colleen Hoover My rating: 5 of 5 stars Here I was not like read another book because Silas actually remember what happened from 2 days ago. Just Charlie didn't. And my reaction was the same like in two book before that I love Charlie and Silas so much more. Here I also crying a lot. Not because what they found about their family things, but because both of them. Their chemistry, their connecting for each other, their moments, their laughing, their togetherness, even their fear to forget each other, and yeah, just two of them, I am happy and sad for them. I like that they did not interrupt by the external factor which in the past made they were be apart and apparently because they didn't have memories and just hade each other, they just focus only about them.

Review: Never Never: Part Two (Colleen Hoover)

Never Never: Part Two by Colleen Hoover My rating: 5 of 5 stars When I read this book, I feel like I read another book with another people, and another story. It feels like separated book because, well, Silas and Charlie both forgot each other, forgot what happened 2 days ago, and just born as a new person with all unfamiliar things. However, here I like Silas soooo much more. I fell in love with him again even when it felt like I read the new book. Silas just be the same and more lovable. He tried to find Charlie and to get there he should collect all about Charlie. He found her journals, her letters, so Silas read about Charlie from what he found and he fell in love with Charlie because all what he found. And even he never met Charlie, his feeling grew up. Then again I love the way he never gave up and learned about Charlie.

Review: Never Never (Colleen Hoover)

Never Never by Colleen Hoover My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really got into this book. Gosh, I love Charlie and Silas when they together even when they did not had idea about what happened to them, who they are, and everything. When the first I read this book I could feel everything Charlie thought, I could feel her confusing, how she frustrated every time because she didn't know anything. how she felt lost, and I could feel that, exactly what Charlie felt. And I adore CoHo to make me felt like that. Then the time when she met Silas and just knew that Silas was her boyfriend but she didn't know or felt everything about him, I was being Charlie who just saw Silas as a stranger. Then again when the POV turned to Silas, I knew that both of them just experienced the same thing. Silas forgot everything like Charlie did.

Review: Anna and the French Kiss (Stephanie Perkins)

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins My rating: 0 of 5 stars Bener deh. Aku agak nggak nyangka aja bakal baca novel, dan ini temanya Young Adult, dan dan.... ketika baca aku nggak bisa ngelepas dari bayang-bayang Maybe Someday yang baru kubaca sekitar 3 judul sebelumnya, yah belum lama lah. Masih akhir bulan lalu soalnya. Mau nggak mau aku bandingin ya, walaupun okelaaaaaahhh beda pengemasannya, beda banget, tapi aku tetep bandingin dua duanya dan memutuskan. I prefer this one!!! Beda banget sama pas baca Maybe Someday, pas baca ini bawaannya seneng mulu, udah deh bener-bener pelarian yang pas buat aku dari kehidupan nyata. Padahal sama lho ya, cerita tentang cewek yang suka sama cowok yang udah punya pacar dan si heronya ini nggak mau dan nggak ada niatan buat putus sama pacarnya. Dan konflik utamanya juga sama: dilema dari keduanya karena saling jatuh cinta padahal mereka punya hubungan lain, bahasa lainnya mereka itu sebenernya sedang melakukan sem...