
Showing posts from March, 2017

Review: Seduction and Snacks

Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book is hilarious. Seriously. I laugh too much because of this piece of book. I do searching for comedy romance book lately that can make me laugh so much. There are some really funny and and I happen to love this book! There are many things make this book worth to read and why this book is really funny. Single mom's issues was the first thing catch my interest to read this book. And it's not only because the heroin was a single mom. But the hero happened to be her Dad's Son. So I really wanted to figure how the story would became. Honesty, I couldn't put this book down before I really finished it. Every scene inside only brought me to read more. Every moments was interesting and hilarious that I couldn't stop reading it.

Review: Love and Lists

Love and Lists by Tara Sivec My rating: 4 of 5 stars Dari baca serinya si Claire aku emang udah jatuh cinta banget sama nih anak. Baca ini serasa harapan dikabulkan karena melihat Gavin besar. Dan itu berarti aku lihat dia waktu masih 4 tahun, 5 tahun, 9 tahun, 10 tahun... iya trus langsung loncat aja ke 25 tahun biar dia ada cerita sendiri gitu gedenya kayak gimana. Ya nggak? Sebenarnya aku masih kangen sama Gavin kecil. Yaampun dia itu lucu banget,, mulutnya tu lho nggak bisa diem, udah gitu celetukannya selalu bikin ketawa. Sekarang dia udah gede sih, udah pinter. Ehmm... sebenarnya aku lihat si Gavin kecil ada bayangin gedenya kayak gimana hehehe. Agak gak sesuai ekspektasi sih tapi ya ini udah imajinasinya si penulis oke aja sih. Soalnya aku kepikiran Gavin ini gedenya cool dan jenius gitu. Gatau deh kenapa mikir gitu, habis kecilnya dia bener2 unik banget, jadi agak berharap sama uniknya.

Review: Kiro's Emily

Kiro's Emily by Abbi Glines My rating: 5 of 5 stars I didn't intended to read this book. Really. I had known how this story would be end, that there will no happy ending. I had catch a glimpse about Kiro and Emily in Harlow's story and it hurt so much. It hurt saw how her Dad adored her Mom so much when Emmy practically couldn't do anything. How she finally saw another side of her Dad, that was so sad when in whole book I annoyed with Kiro then he asked Harlow to follow and witness his only love for her Mom. Emmy was died outside and saw it and the way Kiro in front of Harlow's Mom was hurt so much. So when Harlow went to bathroom and cried because she never thought that Kiro was still in love in her Mom, i cried too. Even now when i remembered how sad that scene in Harlow's book i felt like i wanted to cry again. And here i just read the love Emmy had for Kiro. It made so much worse because I knew who was Emily, really known her, so ...

Review: Puddle Jumping

Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson My rating: 5 of 5 stars Finally found another favorite book! OMG. I love this book. So. So. So much. Maybe i will read this book again. I have missed Colton and Lilly anyway. I don't know why I finally took this book (and i always have this kind of reason every time i read a good, perfect book for me), i just remember ever saw this book and passed it. Then i was searching list of comedy romance book, there was this book. I was searching about Aspergers and there was this book. I searched about unrequited love, and also about childhood love and always cought this book. I didn't have any idea about this book. My friends like this book so much, and this book have a good rating. That's enough reason for me to read this book right? So i read this book.

Review: Rule

Rule by Jay Crownover My rating: 4 of 5 stars hmmm seru-seru.. berhubung aku suka sama cerita2 yang heroinnya bertepuk sebelah tangan jadi bagiku cerita inipun sama bagusnya dengan cerita cinta sebelah tangan lain yang pernah aku baca. Mana karakter Rule ini kan bad boy ya bertolak belakang sama Shaw. Ih, tapi aku sukaaa. Waktu dia akhirnya ngelihat Shaw dia bener-bener berubah, jadi lebih sweet lebih protektif dan lebih perhatian gitu. Kalo katanya Shaw si Rule ini kan dulu cuma nganggep Shaw suka ngintilin si Remy ya. Masalah di dalam cerita ini juga seru. Bagus sih ya aku suka ... ehm, ada tapinya sih. Mungkin akan lebih baik kalau diceritakan hari2 si Shaw cuma bisa melihat Rule dari jauh, yaa biar lebih kerasa gitu hurtnya dia cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan. Soalnya di awal cerita sampai sekitar 30 atau 40 persenan gitu aku masih nggak dapet sama karakternya. Si Shaw nggak terlihat vurnerable malah kelihatan cool di mata Rule. Trus Rule di awal jug...

Review: Wallbanger

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton My rating: 4 of 5 stars Ceritanya lucu, dari awal udah diceritain konfliknya kayak apa dan emang bikin gedeg banget deh. Aku juga kalo jadi Caroline pasti kesel banget deh kalo tiap malem dengerin suara2 zina kayak gitu hahahhaha udah gitu sampe bikin dinding bergetar kan gimana gitu yakkk... Suka banget waktu akhirnya Caroline labrak si Simon langsung... Kyaa kyaa gitudeh pertemuan pertama mereka. Pertemua kedua okelah.. trus mereka genjatan senjata dan lama2 mereka jadi teman... Ceritanya kayak biasa lebih ke temen jadi pacar gitu sih, dan disini perkembangan hubungan mereka juga manis banget. Aduh si Simon juga ya kalo sama Caroline tu bikin deg-degan mulu. Dia nggak kayak yang Caroline pikirin dulu, Simon itu baiiiik xD

Review: Can You Keep a Secret?

Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella My rating: 5 of 5 stars So i have known for a long time that Sophie Kinsella is one of popular authors. I often see her books but i haven't really want to read them. I don't know. Maybe because she write book with 'chicklit' genre and i never read that genre so i don't put interest with her books. Now, after reading this book, i don't really understand what the different betweet chicklit and contemporary romance. No idea. Anyone can explain to me? Anyway, I looooveeee this book. I'm searching for humor and funny romance book in goodreads, and I always see this book on the top list. I never read Kinsella's books but my GR friends's review of her books are positive, and i check the blurb and i feel like... 'it's okay, i will give it a try' and i read it. Now I know why this book is put on the top list. This book is really hilarious, funny, light, i smile a lot, then i als...

Review: Making Faces

Making Faces by Amy Harmon My rating: 4 of 5 stars SPOILER IN SOME PARTS BUT I FORGET WHERE. to be honest, i think i took a wrong book for my currently emotional state. Yes, i have my own problem and this book is really full of upside down parts. i didn't expect that the story would bring so much emotions. I didn't think that there were so much heartbreaking in the story, and this book overwhelmed me in most of parts. The first maybe we would see about someone who fell in love with a boy with so much charm. Some cute parts at first and i myself thought the story would keep light until the end. However, the story was getting dark and i cried a lot. i found some of turning point in this book. And they were always depressed me. in the first turning point, it felt time passed so long until that tragedy. In one part we felt the senior high school. Full of students, party, drink, etc. Fun. But on the next part, we would face the reality, abo...

Review: SeoulMate

SeoulMate by Lia Indra Andriana My rating: 5 of 5 stars Ewwww this book is really so much sweet inside! Sudah lama sekali aku nggak baca novel-novel Indonesia, bukan teenlit sih ya kalau buku ini, brarti masuk apa? YA? YA Indonesia? Yah itulah. Pokoknya buku ini udah masuk TBR entah dari kapan pokoknya udah lama banget tapi nggak pernah cukup beruntung untuk dapet bukunya. Beberapa tahun kemudian (eceilah, lama amat put), dari IG Penerbit Haru aku mendapati bahwa novel ini ternyata di cetak ulang? Dan itu awalnya aku bertanya2 apakah ini novel yang lama sama yang dulu aku pinginin. Dan aku baru tau kalau ada webtonnya! Nggak tau kenapa saat itu kayaknya aku kepo banget, jadi aku pantengin webtoonnya yang gambarnya itu baguuus, dan emosi di dalam cerita webtoon itu juga nyampe. Agak kaget ternyata itu diangkat dari novel, dan akhirnya aku sadar kalau itu adalah novel yang lama. Akhirnya, karena aku lebih suka karya aslinya (novelnya) aku hunting lagi deh. Dan ...